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10 Ways To Improve User Experience on Your Website


Darling Jiminez

"Your website is the core anchor for your digital marketing efforts. Designing a great website user experience requires understanding the problems different visitors have to solve." --Darling Jiminez

10 Ways To Improve User Experience on Your Website
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All small business customers want an eye popping website that they can brag about. But a good user experience has to do more than just look good. If you site is slow to load, hard to navigate, or is rife with 404 errors, your users will leave no matter how awesome your site looks.

Darling Jiminez from HubSpot has done a terrific job highlighting 10 key points that small businesses must follow if they want users to actually USE the website. Darling goes over tips for user experience:

-- Use white space.
-- Optimize your page speed.
-- Use attractive calls to action.
-- Use hyperlink differentiation.
-- Segment key information with bullet points.
-- Use images (wisely).
-- Include well-designed and written headlines.
-- Keep your website pages consistent.
-- Catch your 404s.
-- Be responsive and mobile-friendly.

This article is a must read for any small business that wants a web presence that not only draws visitors in, but keeps them on the site until the all important conversion takes place. Well done Darling!

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